With Christmas coming on in a few weeks now, I have been thinking of ways to simplify my life and to "take it down a notch" this year - so that it's not a mad chaos of wrapping paper and toys. I admit that I love presents and just stuff in general, but the following quote makes me think about why I love all this stuff and what it adds (or how it detracts) from my life.
The quote is by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions.
This is so true, but muchness is a bad habit hard to break. Read "The Gardener's Cottage" for inspiration. Speaking of...the kids' magzines are ordered and then I just need one more present and your box will be ready to ship next week. I hope you all like the gift I made you and know that it was created with love, crying and cussing!!!xoxoxo, Mom ps--I love the rappelling pics!